Mobile App

Each March, SVA’s policy and advocacy priorities are formally published through a series of events around Capitol Hill, the White House, and executive branch departments and agencies.

Download the SVA Washington Week Mobile App Today!

We created an app for “2025 Washington Week!” Use it to stay up to date with the latest news and announcements, see your personal schedule, and create your event profile.


To access the SVA Programs app, you can find the Apple URL and Google URL provided below:


If you have already installed the SVA Events mobile app from NatCon. Please follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • To exit from the previous event, click on the profile option, which is the second-to-last option at the bottom of the navigation screen.
  • If you have already followed Step 1 and are still unable to view the 2025 Washington Week Event, please uninstall the mobile app and then reinstall it on your mobile device. This will clear the cache and cookies.
  • After reinstalling the application, search for the “2025 Washington Week” event.
  • To access the full functionality of the mobile app, please use the same credentials (i.e., first name, last name, and email address) that you used when registering for the event. You will receive a verification code via your registered mobile number and email address.
  • Enter the verification code to unlock all the features of the mobile app.

1012 14th Street NW, 12th Floor
Washington D.C. 20005
Telephone: (202) 223-4710

© 2024 Student Veterans of America® is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.