
VMock is an online resume review tool that leverages technologies like data-science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback on your resume.

Improve Your Resume Today

Student Veterans of America partners with VMock Inc. to help you create a powerful resume and accelerate your career journey. VMock, a 24-7 online resume review tool, leverages technologies like data-science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback on your resume based on criteria gathered from employers and global best practices – from anywhere, at any time of day.

Simply create an account, upload your resume, and VMock will:

  • Give you an aggregate resume score to assess the strength of your resume benchmarked against your own SVA peer group
  • Provide you with resume templates and guidelines based on your majors
  • Tell you how well you have marketed your communication skills, leadership experience, and impact on your resume
  • Give you line-by-line suggestions to improve your resume content based on your major and level of experience
This is an external resource provided by an SVA Partner.
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