All registrants are required to read and agree to SVA General Event Policies.
All registrants are required to read and agree to the SVA General Event Policies. Failure to abide by these policies will affect your eligibility to participate in Student Veterans of America (SVA) events and other programming this year or in future years.
SVA may provide, upon request, alternative formats, auxiliary aids, and services necessary for all individuals to participate in all programs and services provided by our organization. Requests for accommodations should be given at the time of registration or submitted at least three weeks in advance of the conference.
Business casual and business formal attire is preferred. Please refer to the Dress for the Occasion diagram below for additional guidance.
Children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the SVA Campus during exhibitor load-in, load-out, and all other hours of operation. While children under the age of 18 are not permitted at SVA events, we fully support nursing mothers and will provide a private room during conference hours if needed. The content of the conference programming may not be suitable for children.
In order to accomplish our mission, it is necessary to both ensure the safety of all of our guests during SVA activities, and to protect the brand and good standing of SVA in the eyes of the community. SVA trusts its members to hold themselves to a higher standard of morals and ethics, and to uphold these standards at all times. As policy, the following guidelines direct conduct for all SVA participants at any officially sponsored SVA event.
Illegal or irresponsible conduct does more than simply tarnish the offender. It puts innocent people at risk, sullies the reputation of SVA, and undermines the ability of SVA to fulfill its mission of empowering veterans. While any criminal activity is clearly outside the scope of permissible conduct, the standards of conduct during officially sanctioned SVA events is considerably higher.
SVA expects its guests to at a minimum:
Each event attendee must wear the conference badge issued by SVA and keep their conference badges visible at all times. SVA, its contractors, and our host venues have the right to deny access to SVA events to any attendee not wearing a conference badge.
Attendees may not exchange, give, trade or sell convention badges. SVA makes all final decisions on who has access to the Convention and what badges are issued for the Convention. SVA, its contractors, and our venue may remove any person from the Convention that, in SVA’s opinion, is violating or threatening to violate any of these rules or whose conduct is objectionable, disorderly, or disruptive.
There may be a $25.00 replacement charge for lost badges.
SVA is committed to hosting a safe National Conference for all attendees. Do not attend events if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at or if you have been in close contact with someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 symptoms.
It is SVA policy not to discriminate or screen guests on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status as an attendance requirement to any event. SVA is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment at all SVA events. As an extension of SVA policy, SVA requires all guests to treat each other with dignity and respect. Any guest failing to adhere to this standard will be subject to disciplinary action.
The registrant gives SVA permission to photograph and video/audio record the registrant and to use the same in SVA’s publications, promotions, and other media. The registrant understands that SVA has exclusive rights to these visual and audio recordings.
Please note that while all meeting attendees are invited to the exhibition, any attendee who is observed to be soliciting business in the aisles or in other public spaces, in another company’s booth, or in violation of the IAEE Exhibition Policy will be asked to leave immediately. Additional penalties may be applied. Please report any violations you may observe to conference management.
It is SVA policy that guests, staff members, partners, and the general public are entitled to an environment free of sexual harassment at any SVA event. No one, regardless of identity, should be subjected verbally or physically to unsolicited and unwelcomed sexual overtures or conduct. This behavior is not welcome, is personally offensive, debilitates morale and, therefore, creates an unsafe environment. Behavior that amounts to sexual harassment may result in disciplinary action. If you experience or witness sexual harassment at any SVA event, report it immediately to any SVA staff member. All allegations of sexual harassment will be quickly investigated. To the extent possible, your confidentiality and that of any witnesses and the alleged harasser will be protected against unnecessary disclosure. When the investigation is completed, you will be informed of the outcome of that investigation.
Electronic devices must be turned off or set to silent mode during educational sessions. Disruptive or objectionable conduct, activities and related materials (megaphones, signage, etc.) as determined by SVA, are strictly prohibited in every area of the conference unless specifically approved by SVA in writing. No weapons of any kind are allowed at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center or any of the conference facilities. Explosives, fuel, combustible, or hazardous materials are strictly prohibited.
Attendees may not exchange, give, trade or sell convention badges. SVA makes all final decisions on who has access to the Convention and what badges are issued for the Convention. SVA, its contractors, and our venue may remove any person from the Convention that, in SVA’s opinion, is violating or threatening to violate any of these rules or whose conduct is objectionable, disorderly, or disruptive.
There may be a $25.00 replacement charge for lost badges.