SVA conducts research to better inform the public and policy makers about student veterans and military connected students.
Unlocking Insights
Student Veterans of America® (SVA) works to inform the public, stakeholders, policy makers, and others on the concerns of student veteran and military connected students through empirical research. By investing in research, SVA is filling the void in data collection showcasing student veteran success. We also use surveys and program evaluations for data collection and improving programs. SVA’s research team conducts an annual SVA Census and the Veterans Opinion Survey during election years.
- SVA’s Million Records Project, released in 2014, dispelled myths that student veterans do not graduate from college.
- SVA’s National Veterans Education Success Tracker (NVEST) report demonstrated that student veterans are outperforming their peers in the classroom and are more likely to pursue career paths that prepare them for high-growth high-demand roles in the economy.
- SVA’s Life Cycle Atlas builds on previous research by unlocking never-before-seen insights on career trajectories, skills gaps, geographic trends, and more that will not only help improve SVA’s work but also empower all veterans service organizations to improve their programs.
Featured Projects
Life Cycle Atlas
The Life Cycle Atlas fills numerous gaps in previous research on the lifecycles of student veterans.
Million Records Project
This historic research initiative provided near real-time data that policymakers, service providers, institutions of higher learning, and the general public have used to support student veterans.
SVA Census
The SVA Census provides detailed annual demographics of student veterans and military-affiliated students.
Veteran Opinion Survey
SVA’s Veteran Opinion Survey measures the opinion of America’s veterans by studying a sample of that population utilizing surveys, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions.
Veteran Household Financial Health & Planning Survey
SVA is excited to share its first annual survey on veteran households’ financial health and planning designed to improve financial health and literacy in the veteran community.