SVA Joins Vietnam War Commemorative Partners
WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 26, 2021) – Student Veterans of America (SVA) recently became a Commemorative Ambassador with The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration (VWC), joining other Ambassadors such as the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Office of Chief of Staff of the Army, Office of the Commandant of the Marine Corp, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Office of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, Office of the Chief of Space Operations, and the Office of the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Commemorative Ambassadors are identified and invited to participate by the VWC Director. Ambassadors amplify the congressional objectives of the VWC, and encourage their constituent organizations, chapters, posts and installations to become active Commemorative Partners with the VWC.
The VWC was authorized by Congress, established under the Secretary of Defense, and launched by the President. 44th U.S. President Barack Obama officially inaugurated this Commemoration at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. on Memorial Day, May 28, 2012. Congress outlined a total of five objectives for The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, with the primary objective being to thank and honor Vietnam veterans and their families on behalf of the Nation for their service and sacrifice, with distinct recognition of former prisoners of war and families of those still listed as missing in action.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day: March 29th
March 29 is a fitting choice to honor Vietnam veterans. It was chosen to be observed in perpetuity because March 29, 1973 was the day United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam was disestablished and also the day the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam. In addition, that same day Hanoi released the last of its acknowledged prisoners of war.
We invite you to follow, like, and share @vietnamwar50th on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, for content you can share throughout the day. You can also use the hashtags #ThankVietnamVets, #SeeThemThankThem, and #VietnamVeteransDay.
From our Nation’s Capital to Your Community
Your SVA Chapter can become part of this national Commemoration, thanking and honoring Vietnam veterans and their family members in your community. The first step is to become a Commemorative Partner. Commemorative Partners are local, State and national organizations, businesses, sports franchises and governmental agencies that have formally committed to hosting hometown-centric events and activities that thank and honor Vietnam veterans and their families on behalf of the Nation.
There are a variety of ways in which our Commemorative Partners recognize Vietnam veterans and their families. We encourage you to be creative and collaborative! Learn more about how to become a Commemorative Partner at www.Vietnamwar50th.com
Commemoration on Your Campus: Kate Logan
One of the most memorable events as a Student Veterans of America chapter president happened when a group of Vietnam veterans from the local VVA chapter came to our campus to thank us for supporting fellow student veterans, and to welcome us home. I’ll never forget the gravity of their visible emotional gesture and the power that moment held, as we stood together—a living timeline and testament of American history and veteran advocacy.
The realization that many of the benefits and celebrated homecomings I received were the direct result of the burden and shame Vietnam veterans had long endured, as well as their resolute work ensuring that same injustice would not happen again to another generation of veterans. This became a motivational and defining experience as I pursued a career in veteran programs and policy, and eventually came to work with The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration.
Submitted by: Kate Logan, Strategic Communications Specialist, The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration & SVA Alumna
About Student Veterans of America
With a focused mission on empowering student veterans, Student Veterans of America® (SVA) is committed to providing an educational experience that goes beyond the classroom. Through a dedicated network of nearly 1,600 on-campus chapters in all 50 states and 4 countries representing more than 750,000 student veterans, SVA aims to inspire yesterday’s warriors by connecting student veterans with a community of like-minded chapter leaders. Every day these passionate leaders work to provide the necessary resources, network support, and advocacy to ensure student veterans can effectively connect, expand their skills, and ultimately achieve their greatest potential. For more information, visit us at www.studentveterans.org.